Middle managers as change agents
The book describes a research and development project in collaboration between work for gender equality and gender research. In the book you can follow thirteen change leaders. Most of them are middle managers, that is, they have managers over themselves and a level of managers below them. They work as managers in companies, municipal operations and universities / research institutes. The result of the work is summarized that in order to succeed in their work, it is a important to have the support of the top management. But also that middle managers have the power to work for gender equality. An important conclusion is that an innovative manager who wants to create good conditions for all his staff needs to be gender aware. This is because a middle manager not only has the strategic and financial power but also the distribution power. That is to say, the power to distribute, for example, roles and responsibilities, but also seemingly small and insignificant things such as spreading the word at meetings where some are more integrated into the conversation than others. Without a gender-aware leadership, managers risk contributing to unequal conditions.
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